Friday, June 11, 2010

The CIC Factor

One thing I have heard mentioned in the past is that the Big Ten places great value on the CIC to cooperate on research and education.  That got me to thinking.  How much is spent on research and what is the rank for Universities?  This is the annual average spending for research reported to govenment by university from 2001-2006:

                1,284 Johns Hopkins University
                  783 University of California - Los Angeles Pac 10
                  739 University of Michigan - Ann Arbor Big Ten
                  730 University of Wisconsin - Madison Big Ten
                  684 University of Washington - Seattle Pac 10
                  679 University of California - San Francisco
                  662 University of California - San Diego
                  615 Stanford University Pac 10
                  581 University of Pennsylvania Ivy
                  524 Duke University ACC

                  521 University of Minnesota - Twin Cities Big Ten
                  516 Ohio State University - Columbus Big Ten
                  515 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
                  509 University of California - Berkeley
                  501 Pennsylvania State University - University Park Big Ten
                  500 University of California - Davis
                  478 Washington University in St. Louis
                  466 University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign Big Ten
                  460 University of Arizona Pac 10
                  455 Columbia University

                  455 Texas A&M University Big 12
                  451 University of Florida SEC
                  444 University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh Big East
                  442 Baylor College of Medicine Big 12
                  423 Harvard University Ivy
                  408 University of Southern California Pac 10
                  396 Yale University Ivy
                  394 University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill ACC
                  382 Cornell University Ivy
                  381 Georgia Institute of Technology ACC

                  358 University of Texas - Austin Big 12
                  338 Northwestern University Big Ten
                  331 University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Big 12
                  326 Purdue University - West Lafayette Big Ten
                  322 University of Maryland - College Park ACC
                  316 Michigan State University Big Ten
                  305 University of Maryland - Baltimore
                  305 University of Iowa Big Ten
                  304 Emory University
                  302 University of Georgia SEC

                  301 University of Rochester
                  300 North Carolina State University ACC
                  290 University of Illinois - Chicago Big Ten
                  289 University of Alabama - Birmingham SEC
                  289 University of Texas SW Medical Center - Dallas
                  286 Vanderbilt University SEC
                  275 University of Kentucky SEC
                  265 Case Western Reserve University
                  263 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
                  256 University of Chicago Big Ten

                  254 University of Cincinnati - Cincinnati Big East
                  251 Rutgers the State University of NJ - New Brunswick Big East
                  231 University of Colorado - Boulder Pac 10
                  218 University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
                  216 Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge SEC
                  207 University of Virginia
                  205 University of Tennessee - Knoxville
                  202 University of Missouri - Columbia Big 12
                  201 University of Nebraska - Lincoln Big 12
                  194 Indiana University-Purdue University - Indianapolis
                  187 University of Miami
                  179 Princeton University
                  130 Indiana University - Bloomington
                  126 Brown University
                    64 University of Notre Dame
                    60 Texas Tech University
                    49 Syracuse University

The above is the top 50 schools plus a few of interest after that point.  The Big Ten is well represented with 6 of the top 18 and 10 of the top 38 schools.  That equates to over $5.1 billion spent on research every year.  Not even the Ivy league is close to that amount of research spending. ((info from the Center for Measuring University Performance -

We keep talking about the millions of television dollars expansion could generate but we are ignoring the billions each of these schools gets for research?  One of the reasons the Big Ten/CIC is so strong in this area is their cooperation which allows them to pool resources and be a much more attractive option than they would be alone.  Below is a list of schools that are rumored (however outlandish) to be a potential Big Ten target:

       455 Texas A&M University
       444 University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh
       381 Georgia Institute of Technology
       358 University of Texas - Austin
       322 University of Maryland - College Park
       251 Rutgers the State University of NJ - New Brunswick
       207 University of Virginia
       202 University of Missouri - Columbia
       201 University of Nebraska - Lincoln
         64 University of Notre Dame
         60 Texas Tech University
         49 Syracuse University

This was a bit of a surprise to me.  It makes me wonder if Pitt is more in play than I've previously thought.  My thought was if Texas/A&M says no our picks would be - Nebraska,Missouri, Rutgers, Notre Dame, and Syracuse.  Looking over that list you can't imagine the CIC trustees are thrilled with this group as they all do less research than any of the current members but Indiana ($130mm annually).  Assuming rumors are true Nebraska is in.  Notre Dame is also in if they want it because of their undergraduate programs and national marketing pull.  That leaves 3 spots.  There have been reports that the academic folks are pushing back but there haven't been many specifics.  Looking at this list it wouldn't surprise me if they are talking about Syracuse and I'm revising my list so these 3 spots are going to Pitt, Rutgers, and Missouri as a result.  ((Maryland /Georgia Tech would be a great additions but I just don't see it happening)).

One thing I want to add is "WTF Indiana!"  You don't do research and you can't play football.  We kept you around for your ability to play basketball but you can't even do that now.  Shape up or we send you packing to wherever Louisville ends up.  (j/k Hoosiers)

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