Clicking the link is like watching a car accident. I know I'm not going to like what I see but I can't help myself.
My main reason I follow it is because I really do like to get different opinions to help me form my own but following his thread is like an act self-flagellation. As you can imagine Hooley's twitter account is a non-stop diet of negativity about the Buckeyes along with congratulatary posts to authors that bash the Bucks. It's like a one stop shop for negative Buckeye articles. So today he links two articles with the following tweets:
BHOOLZ: My man @chris_spielman bringing the TRUTH!”
BHOOLZ: @DanWetzel Very strong and dead on the money on #OSU, #Pryor
The first article is essentially an interview that Chris Spielman had with a Detroit News in which he bashed today's culture of entitled athletes and linked it to the issues at Ohio State.
The second article is by Dan Wetzel which essentially says the issue is the Ohio State brass and not Pryor.
So Chris is bringing the truth about spoiled athletes but Wetzel is right that its not about Pryor. HUH? Not sure that both can possibly be true.
Seems to me the only truth for Bruce is as long as it is anti-Ohio State it has to be true. Which reminds me ... I've seen him publish articles going back to his days at the Plain Dealer -- Has he ever publish on that said something nice about the alma mater he says he loves? I'm having trouble ever seeing one.
The funny thing is I used to listen to his radio program all the time. He tempered his negativity for the airways and when he had Spielman as a partner it was a pretty good listen. I even went so far to send an angry letter to the station when he was fired as he had a role when they didn't replace Spiels they set him up to fail. Now that Hooley is back to his old tricks, I'm sorry I defended him.
((I'm sure people will say I should just stop following him and they'd probably be right. The frustration is not worth the little info I get.))
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