Friday, December 24, 2010

Has Pryor entered the Clarett zone at THE ohio sTATe university?

Yesterday, Terrell Pryor along with 4 other players were suspended for 5 games in the 2011 season.  The reason for this has been well documented on the ESPN site and you can read more about it here.  I'm angry about the suspension for a few reasons.
  • I'm angry at players for selling memorabilia to for money.  I don't care if the NCAA says the players weren't properly advised as that seems like a poor excuse.  Every player is told you can't profit from your participation in NCAA sports and selling a trophy is profit - plain and simple - end of story.  The money aspect doesn't bother me as much as the fact that these players don't care enough about the team to at least keep the items until their playing days at the school is over.  
  • Dear NCAA - 5 games?  Seriously?  This is worth 5 games after Cam Newton's dad was shopping him around and you worked with the SEC to make sure he didn't miss a single game?  I think the players should be punished but this seems to be a bit much and 2-3 games seems more fair.
  • Dear NCAA part 2 - You are allowing these TAT5 to play in the Sugar Bowl?  Hypocrisy much?  Seriously?  How can anyone take this organization seriously as I'm guessing that at least 3 of the 5 will now go pro and the Buckeyes will appear to have gotten off scott free.  If you are going to penalize the players you do it immediately starting with the next game.  What's that?  It might hurt a BCS games ratings?  Too f'n bad. 
  Tress should do their job for them and suspend the players anyway.  Then the team might get earn back a bit of respect that these players lost.  In my mind, Pryor has now entered the rarified world of Maurice Clarett.  There is no doubt that both players have talent but both showed an increasing immaturity off the field that ended up costing them playing time.  Buckeye fans overlook a lot of things and they've had blinders for Pryor in the past.  While other fans belittled his accomplishments, the fans were in his corner.  That free ride has ended and if Pryor comes back he better play perfect football or he will get crucified.  Anyone else remember how the fans turned on Steve Bellisari?  It's going to be that bad.

My preference is that he goes pro so the Buckeye fans can move on the the Guiton/Miller era.  No matter what happens we will look back 20 years from now and think ... it's too bad Pryor didn't have more than a 5 cent brain to go with his million dollar athletic ability?

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